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Operation Kovesh - Book One

Operation Kovesh is a David versus Goliath story. Israel is invited by the U.S. to help them get rid of the Iranian nuclear menace. This creates two challenges. The first is destroying the country’s nuclear enrichment capacity. The second is that no finger can be pointed to Israel, the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.

The story comprises the building of the coalition, with a plan of operations. It then involves the development of the human and operational resources that will be required. Finally, it culminates with the execution of the plan.

The Shadow Experts - Book Two

The Shadow Experts tells a story that brings together the world of spying and a group of experts whose goal it is to help “just causes.”  The heroine, a very secretive individual with a European aristocratic cover, founded a network of specialists whose expertise covers a vast swath of current scientific knowledge. It ranges from highly technical fields such as nuclear physics or bio-medical research to others, more qualitative, such as psychology, art and criminology. 

Below the Surface - Book Three

Mossad accidentally finds an unknown weapon, ostensibly placed by Palestinian terrorists. More troubling, upon inspection, the weapon bears Chinese markings and is equipped with Iranian missiles. How did that happen? Mossad’s investigations lead it to determine that the origin of the weapon is a U.S. discovery dating back a couple of years, and which was principally intended for peaceful purposes, for instance for civil aviation. Mossad was aware of the discovery, but both they and the U.S. authorities believed that it had been kept secret, precisely because they understood its potential military applications.

The Crypto Trap - Book Four

A Mossad warning communicated through Countess Renate, the Founder and Head of the Shadow Experts, effectively saves the life of the Saudi Crown Prince.  The discovery of Iranian markings on the missile that was used to bring the airplane down leads the Saudi Royal family to conclude that they can no longer tolerate the attacks of Iran and their regional proxies.  They decide that they need to hit as hard as they can recognizing the limitations of their military capabilities, they elect to engage in a series of counter-terrorist activities,

Escaping the Bear - Book Five

Mossad accidentally learns that a Russian oligarch is looking for safety for himself and his family.  They invite the family to Israel and discover that his fortune was in part the result of his being the founder, head, and majority owner of a cybersecurity company in St. Petersburg.  Though a recognized world leader in cybersecurity, Israel is very keen to benefit from the gentleman’s expertise.  With the help of “The Shadow Experts,” the group headed by Countess Renate, Mossad works to capitalize on the insights they can gain into Visla Cybersecurity all the while trying to postpone...


Glitter & Smoke - Book Six

An unmarked cargo plane is hit by anti-aircraft fire as it was coming in for a landing somewhere in the vicinity of Erbil in Northern Iraq.  It is believed that the shots originated among Kurdish rebels.  A Mossad agent, friendly with the local insurgents, gets access to the wreckage and stumbles on a small briefcase: it contains a fortune in diamonds.  He assumes that he just happened onto a drug traffic exchange location, where opiates are sold for diamonds.


An important piece of intelligence reached David Heller, Mossad’s new Head of Disruption. 

Trouble in the China Sea - Book Seven

Indications of a new, potentially quite significant, hydrocarbon discovery in the Philippines brings a wealthy Filipino businessman to seek the help of a Manilla-based Mossad agent with whom he has struck a friendship, without knowing of his role. Though Mossad initially expresses only a limited interest in providing the help the businessman seeks, it eventually agrees to assist with the creation of self-defense mechanisms for the oil production platform. 


Destruction Along the Nile - Book Eight

Mossad, the national intelligence agency of the State of Israel, also known as the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, came across a surprising piece of news.  Somehow, the Afghanistan-based Taliban had reportedly struck an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood, an extremist Islamist organization based in Egypt.  With a first bombing having proven successful, Mossad, working through The Shadow Experts, the group founded by Countess Renate, warned the Mukhabarat, the Egyptian Secret Service Agency...

The Improbable Collector

..Discovering old letters, bills of sale and many other mementos, the couple is able to retrace the life of the old man’s parents and grandparents, and to uncover at least a couple of crimes committed against the family, not least of which is the murder of a great-aunt.  


They tell that side of the story as well, taking the reader back to investigations carried out principally in Switzerland in the late 1940s and eventually uncovering the guilty party.

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Seven Miracles to Save the World

Seven Miracles to Save the World combines ecumenical mysticism and physical world realities. The three heroes unwittingly become modern-day prophets: three students enrolled in a program to learn about and foster interreligious dialog in Rome. Two are ordained religious, one a Catholic priest, the other a Jewish rabbi, while the third, a woman, is a devout Muslim.Their friendship is cemented with regular monthly dinners, discussing anything and everything, frequently ending in commiseration about the problems facing the world. 


A Crooked Few

The routine meets the unbelievable. A wealthy French physician and his wife create an offshore trust in the Cayman Islands for the benefit of their children and grandchildren. However, both the physician and his wife die without having revealed the existence of the trust to their children.

The hero, a retired senior asset management executive, finds out by accident that he and his siblings might be beneficiaries of a trust which has grown to more than $600 million!

Tough Choices

An enterprising young man marries an unpretentious and discreet heiress. Both are determined to succeed in their respective careers, capitalizing on their skills, drives, hard work, and strong marriage which provides harmony in their lives, rather than become trust babies. Yet several issues will intrude on what would be for many other couples their tranquility.

They are confronted with at least three critical choices. The heiress's family company, currently run by her father, following in the footsteps of three prior generations, will need direction when her father wants or needs to retire.


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